

Enzymatic Therapy, Probiotic Pearls Adult 50+, 30 Softgels

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如果你還在考慮Enzymatic Therapy, Probiotic Pearls Adult 50+, 30 Softgels這個商品的話我建議可以直接點擊下面的立即購買就可以囉~~

  • No Refrigeration

  • Survives Stomach Acid to Release in the Intestine
  • 髮旺旺

  • Digestive & Colon Support

  • 100% Bifidobacteria for Regularity and Digestive Balance

  • 1 Billion Cultures

  • Probiotic Supplement

  • Once Daily

  • Small & Easy to Swallow

  • 5 Strains of Bifidobacteria for Adults Age 50+

Taking Probiotic Pears Adult 50+ helps replenish your digestive tract with healthy bifidobacteria that tend to decline as you age. Benefits of daily use include:

  • Protecting against occasional gas, bloating and constipation
  • 髮旺旺

  • Maintaining regularity and digestive balance

  • Supporting immunity and colon health

Survives Stomach Acid

Probiotic Pearl uses an advanced triple-layer softgel that protects probiotics from heat, air moisture and stomach acid to maximize survival and delivery to the intestine where needed most.

Enzymatic Therapy, Probiotic Pearls Adult 50+, 30 Softgels



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